
A fool is born with wings to fly but can not find the sky.

And He said:
"Hark! The Homeless Angels billow
over the periwinkle pillow
and burgeon into rolling seas
or down the mountains on Rossignol skis.
They cut through forests with razor wings.
They wait in line to buy a Metrocard in NYC.
They play Halo online for free.
Cherubs who rub shoulders with Cher.
Seraphs who put Rogain in their hair.
Angels walk past you and me
on the corner of St. Mark's and Avenue B."

He broke the news:
"The right to choose is yours.
Good deeds are not like chores.
That bum who broadly waves his arms
behind a musty face of grit and grave
may not be asking to be saved
but may be saving you by saying
put down that book and stop that praying.
Smile instead, for God is dead.
And when you see that man's dark face
you'll find he's an angel who has been misplaced.
Give him a quarter."

He told us then:
"The gates of heaven are glued shut,
with guts and butts and cigarette smut,
and guns, and tons and tons of teeth
(with green goo pussing underneath).
They're glued with semen, piss and turds,
feathers fallen from diseased birds,
gunk from rotten toejam jars,
the mangled shrapnel of car-bombed cars,
the bones of babies, the claws of cats,
the fleas of dogs and the rabies of rats,
Mussolini's moustache wax,
Martha Stewart's douchebag stacks,
the blood and blood and blood of Jews,
and spicks and niggers and who knows whos!
The blood of humans, all stewed up,
and made into a lollipop."

He licked his lollipop and smirked:
"Now perhaps you thought that when you die
your soul would roll up towards the sky
and pass these gates with no problemo.
but I've presented a dillemmo, eh?
Well don't be girly and start to pout.
The angels? Ha! They've all moved out!
The gates are shut, I already said it,
Don't believe something just cuz you read it!
There is no heaven, never was!
The angels live on Earth because
there's nowhere else for them to go,
no world above, no world below,
no afterlife besides a bunch of dirt
with worms in your head and worms up your skirt!"

"But if there has never been such thing as heaven," I asked,
after having thought a moment,
referenced my mental textbook pages,
conversed with my inner Darwin,
determined that this boisterous storyteller was on to something,
scoffed at prior generations,
pitied prior generations,
pitied current generations,
"where did the angels live before they came to Earth?"

Drew Vanderburg