Hello to all. I am pleased to be back in New York City after a pleasurable apprenticeship at the Bread and Puppet Theater Company. They have a 400 acre farm/homestead in Glover, Vermont. There is a Dirt-Floor Theater and Paper-Mache Cathedral. There is a huge self-amplifying grassy gravel pit in a huge glorious field. They were active in the counter-culture movement and protested all the way until right now. There is a lot there. Campfires, Clarinet, Clowning.
I feel reinvigorated. My life in New York City is awesome and it is made for me. I made it, obviously. I am constantly hunting for financial resources to continue and expand my artwork, and stay in my apartment. Anybody who is reading this is free to mail me or visit me at 351 Vernon Avenue, #2, Brooklyn, NY, 11206. I have now numerous big projects coming up. All of these will be blogged about here! Always check the Upcoming Events if you want to find out about SHOWS.
I will be doing many SHOWS now. SHOW. The newest show on the radar is The Office and the Metal Blob. It's being done in the Fringe by my closest theatrical allies, The Centrifuge, although I haven't been involved directly because I was in Vermont. It promises wackiness, sci-fi, and rocking music.
I am also trying to get NYC's stamina up for the 2009 HOWL! Festival on September 4, 5, and 6. I plan to perform and hock Cheap Art at this festival, in honor of Ginsberg and his cats. Come HOWL with us....more to come...SHOWS.
I have set up a new blog about my PoemRoom, just to have some high-quality photos up. I am hoping to do a new PoemRoom this season, we'll see how it plays out. This is the new blog: http://poemroom.blogspot.com.So, thanks for reading. Let's all be good people. I am not overly interested in the internet, but I really want to hang out with you in 3D.
Drew Vanderburg